Leading with the Heart - Meet Castroville School Principal Gerri Butler Principal Gerri Butler Show Transcript growing up here obviously things were a lot different it was a lot smaller I actually went to this campus and when I came here my uncle was the principal I was so proud of him and I would say that's my uncle us and he would kids would go ask and say oh it was share your niece and had say no she's not telling you the truth but now he's proud of me so he does claim me now me guys Lauren have a great day today my favorite part of the day is pick up and drop off especially on a Monday morning how is your weekend what did you do and they come and they give you a hug and say good morning and just are happy it's a great time and that makes them know that I'm there for them that's that part of the relationship building the saying that kids don't care what you know until they know that you care is truly something I really take to heart because until a student a child a young adult knows that you really do have their best interests at heart that you really do care about them as a person then they don't want to listen to what you have to tell them but you build that relationship and you make that connection and then they want to work hard with you and not just for you but with you because they know that you're going to go to bat for them too these kids come up and they give me a hug and they'll tell call me do you remember when you got mad at me in class and this and that and look what I've done now or because of you I did this or you believed in me so that's really fun I want the teachers to feel comfortable and be willing to come in and talk to me I do try to have an open door policy and show them that you know we are doing this together we're in the trenches together our goal is the success of our students we work together as a family we do things together because you want that mark